John R. Kosinski,泰国清迈的开发者
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John R. Kosinski

Verified Expert  in Engineering


Chiang Mai, Thailand
Toptal Member Since
February 9, 2016

作为一个资深的全栈开发人员, John's great breadth and depth of experience include cryptocurrency, IoT, blockchain, and mobile projects. His foundation is in C and C++, with many years of experience in .NET. His work experience up until 2009 was in the NYC and NYC area. Since 2009, he's been living abroad and working remotely. John has a personal research project in the background, involving blockchain and deep neural networks.


Leeds Rising
软件开发,API集成,交易,c#, Python,交易系统...
Solidity, Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Algorithmic Trading...





Ethers.js、Visual Studio、Visual Studio Code (VS Code)、Scrum、Agile、测试驱动开发(TDD)

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Software Developer

2023 - 2023
Leeds Rising
  • 开发了PyDAS:一个健壮的, 完整且经过良好测试的Python API到DAS交易平台的购买API, selling, borrowing, 以及做空美国股票.
  • 使用PyDAS API开发并严格测试了算法交易系统, 哪些可以指定动态交易策略, 包括一个可配置的触发器和可配置的即插即用的交易逻辑.
  • 实施在纳斯达克和纽约证券交易所借入和卖空非流动性股票的策略. Deployed and tested those strategies on the live market.
Technologies: 软件开发,API集成,交易,c#, Python,交易系统, Stock Trading, Multithreading

DeFi Architect

2022 - 2023
  • 架构并开发了一个dApp, 这是第一个, 允许用户在b区块链上购买美国国债基金. 在BSC和以太坊区块链上推出. 在竞争对手之前赢得市场竞争.
  • 设计并开发了一个安全的链下系统,用于自动清理金库和其他与美国国债金库系统相关的流程.
  • 进行技术研究,以评估b区块链领域各种潜在自动化对冲基金策略的可行性.
  • 对链上区块链产品实施严格的测试和安全保障.
  • 为分散应用程序和管理分散接口指导测试和开发React前端.
技术:坚固, Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Algorithmic Trading, 算法交易分析, Hedge Funds, Web 3.0、应用架构、自动交易软件、后端、REST、Git、Express.js, Web Security, Penetration Testing, 分散的系统, 分散式金融(DeFi), ERC-20, Web3.js, 技术架构, 解决方案架构, Fintech, Lambda Functions, AWS简单通知服务(SNS)

Technical Consultant

2022 - 2023
  • 计划和估计不可替代和可替代代币开发的项目包, front-end minting and administration websites with React, 以及智能合约的安全审计.
  • Researched, planned, 并介绍了一个知名在线会议场所的Unity游戏引擎后端的可替代和不可替代代币的集成.
  • Contacted, vetted, 并采访了b区块链名开发者, 为一支国际精英b区块链勇士队奠定了基础.
  • 开发、计划和记录智能合约的安全审计方法.
  • Provided expert technical consultation during sales meetings.
技术:坚固,区块链,智能合约,以太坊,以太坊智能合约, Solana, C#, JavaScript, .. NET, Unity,软件开发,b区块链 & Cryptocurrency, Full-stack, Rust, Cryptocurrency, Unix, C#.NET, TypeScript, Crypto, Architecture, React, MetaMask, Rinkeby, Web 3.应用架构,自动交易软件,后端,Git, Express.js, R&D, Presentations, 分散的系统, ERC-20, Web3.. js,技术架构,解决方案架构,PostgreSQL, Go, Lambda函数

c# Web3高级开发人员

2022 - 2022
Garbles Labs
  • 将TypeScript SDK移植到c# /.NET for the well-known Solana market maker Orca Whirlpools to be used in the Unity game engine; made it open for community use.
  • 开发SDK .NET,根据需要进行重构,并添加了一套自动化测试以确保质量.
  • 与Rust智能合约接口,并根据需要修改Rust代码以实现可测试性.
技术:c#, Unity, c#.. NET, TypeScript,区块链,Rust, Node.js, JavaScript,智能合约,游戏, .. NET,分散式系统,Web3, ASP.NET Core


2019 - 2022
  • 解决了软件主要后端c++引擎中的客户和内部缺陷, using C++ 11 on both Windows and Linux platforms.
  • Developed new features for the software's main back-end C++ engine, 作为开发团队的一员,在Windows和Linux平台上使用c++ 11.
  • Fixed some of the most long-standing and challenging defects in the software; thoroughly documented the root causes and implemented testing to prevent a recurrence.
  • 管理缺陷生命周期, interfacing with other teams for information and assistance when needed.
Technologies: C#, .NET, Microsoft Visual Studio, C++11, C++, 测试驱动开发(TDD), Defect Management, Microsoft SQL Server, 敏捷软件开发, Unit Testing, Software Development, Design Patterns, 解决复杂问题, Linux, JavaScript, APIs, CI/CD Pipelines, SQL, Unix, Integration, C#.NET, Architecture, Algorithms, MySQL, 应用程序体系结构, API Integration, Back-end, Git, Confluence, Visualization, Data Engineering, 技术架构, 解决方案架构, Multithreading

IoT Engineer

2018 - 2019
Jaber Medical
  • 开发ESP8266和ESP32硬件原型,用于独特和专有的医院急诊室通信系统. The prototype included IR, WiFi, and an RFID chip scanner.
  • 为硬件样机设计并开发了ESP32/ESP8266的嵌入式网络软件, 用C语言编写Arduino和RTOS, 与WiFi交互, IR, and RFID readers.
  • 研究并做出关于软件和硬件需求的决策和权衡, working closely with the client to meet their needs.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), ESP32, ESP8266, Embedded Systems, Amazon DynamoDB, Arduino, C++, 物联网(IoT), C, JavaScript, 敏捷软件开发, Node.js, Unit Testing, AWS IoT, 实时操作系统(RTOS), MQTT, Software Development, Design Patterns, Embedded C++, 解决复杂问题, Microservices, Linux, APIs, Full-stack, TypeScript, Architecture, Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, 应用程序体系结构, NoSQL, REST, Git, Express.js, 技术架构, 解决方案架构, Lambda Functions, AWS简单通知服务(SNS)

Alexa Developer

2018 - 2018
  • 开发了一个丰富的Alexa应用程序,允许客户对复杂的产品数据库进行英语口语查询.
  • Architected and developed the back end using DynamoDB on AWS, Node.js和AWS SDK,以自动从提供商导入后端数据并与数据库同步.
  • 开发了严格的自动化测试套件,以确保持续的质量.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Amazon Alexa, JavaScript, 敏捷软件开发, Unit Testing, AWS IoT, Software Development, Design Patterns, 解决复杂问题, Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, 应用程序体系结构, NoSQL, Git, Lambda Functions

Alexa Developer

2017 - 2018
Sterling VC
  • 开发并推向市场的Alexa技能检索纽约体育新闻更新的Alexa Echo, Dot, and Show.
  • 在Node中使用DynamoDB, AWS Lambda脚本.js, 和AWS SDK来构建一个后端系统,用于从提供商那里检索数据并保持数据库同步.
  • 为Alexa设计并实现了声控UI,以及Alexa Show的可视化UI.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Node.js, Amazon Alexa, 敏捷软件开发, Unit Testing, AWS IoT, Software Development, Design Patterns, 解决复杂问题, JavaScript, Full-stack, Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, 应用程序体系结构, Git, Lambda Functions

R&D Manager

2017 - 2018
  • 在亚马逊Echo Dot的Alexa技能开发以及如何将其整合到现有欧博体育app下载中进行研究和指导.
  • 研究了在公司现有产品中使用更便宜的ESP8266和ESP32芯片取代专有芯片的可能性.
  • 创建了一个原型模块,用于将语音命令集成到现有家居照明产品的接口中, 利用AWS和Alexa api.
  • 提出并记录研究结果, as well as new proposals for technological product improvements.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Amazon Alexa, Arduino, Embedded C++, ESP8266, 物联网(IoT), JavaScript, .. NET,敏捷软件开发,Node.js, Unit Testing, AWS IoT, 实时操作系统(RTOS), Embedded Systems, MQTT, ESP32, Software Development, Design Patterns, .NET Core, 解决复杂问题, Linux, C#, Unix, Architecture, Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, 应用程序体系结构, GraphQL, Git, Prediction Markets, Visualization, ASP.NET Core, 技术架构, 解决方案架构, PostgreSQL, Lambda Functions, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)


2016 - 2017
  • 不同金融资产价格序列相关性分析的改进算法.
  • 修正Pearson系数计算,发现股票交易对之间的相关性.
  • 重构c#应用程序代码,以获得更好的组织、可扩展性和模块化.
  • Added automated tests to discover bugs in the existing codebase. 分析并修复发现的bug.
技术:c#, SQL, .NET, Interactive Brokers API, Infragistics, Azure, MySQL, Stock Trading, Trading, Finance, Stock Analysis, Trading Systems, ASP.. NET Core, Fintech,多线程

Node.js Developer

2016 - 2017
Private Client
  • 开发了一个完整且有利可图的算法交易系统,以利用加密货币期货和现货市场之间的套利机会.
  • Tested and debugged the system, using APIs for various exchanges.
  • 开发插件,允许系统在各种流行的加密期货和现货交易所使用.
技术:区块链,交易,套利,期货,JavaScript,敏捷软件开发,Node.js、单元测试、软件开发、设计模式、复杂问题解决、Docker、Linux、c#、 .NET, Microsoft Visual Studio, 以太坊智能合约, 分散式金融(DeFi), APIs, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, Full-stack, Bots, Binance API, Cryptocurrency, Unix, Integration, TypeScript, Crypto, Architecture, Rinkeby, Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, Algorithmic Trading, 算法交易分析, 应用程序体系结构, 自动交易软件, REST, Git, Express.js, Prediction Markets, Visualization, Twilio, Trading Systems, 分散的系统, Bitcoin, 技术架构, 解决方案架构, Multithreading, Lambda Functions, AWS简单通知服务(SNS)


2015 - 2017
  • 从头开始开发一个Xamarin iOS应用程序,通过Java中间层控制大规模SCADA灌溉系统.
  • 构建MVP的架构,并准备一个促进跨平台移植的计划.
  • 创建了一个紧密的系统,跨多个连接或应用程序会话与服务器端同步长时间运行的任务.
技术:WebSockets, c#, JavaScript, .NET, Microsoft Visual Studio, 敏捷软件开发, Node.js, Unit Testing, Software Development, Design Patterns, Xamarin.iOS,复杂问题解决, Full-stack, SQL, C#.. NET、REST api、应用架构、后端、REST、Git、移动应用、Xamarin.Android,解决方案架构


2014 - 2016
  • Developed a Webby-winning eCommerce iPad application using Xamarin.iOS取代了公司的遗留Objective-C应用程序,并将Android和iOS遗留应用程序统一到一个代码库中.
  • 与小团队一起使用Xamarin iOS开发后端和前端功能.
  • 帮助构建框架,将两个遗留应用程序的代码库合并为一个统一的Xamarin应用程序.
  • 诊断和修复公司遗留的Android和iOS应用程序的缺陷.
Technologies: Java, Scrum, Jira, Android, iOS, Xamarin, C#, JavaScript, 敏捷软件开发, Node.js, Unit Testing, eCommerce, Software Development, 模型-视图-控制器(MVC), Design Patterns, 模型视图视图模型(MVVM), Xamarin.iOS,复杂问题解决, .. NET、api、全栈、SQL、集成、c#.NET, Architecture, REST APIs, 应用程序体系结构, API Integration, Back-end, Git, Mobile Apps, Xamarin.Android, ASP.. NET核心,技术架构,解决方案架构,企业架构


2012 - 2014
Manao Software
  • 管理一个开发团队,为EveryAngle提供一个独特的sap查询接口的REST/JSON前端.
  • Designed the architecture for the above software using .. NET Web API MVVM与NHibernate.
  • Managed a team to develop the above software in .NET.
  • Directed the QA unit testing using SoapUI; interfaced with the client's executive team.
技术:RESTful服务, 领域驱动设计(DDD), Perforce, Jira, Scrum, 测试驱动开发(TDD), User Interface (UI), SOAP, Knockout (Knockout.. js)、模型-视图-视图模型(MVVM)、JSON、c#、Microsoft Visual Studio、敏捷软件开发、ASP.NET, Unit Testing, WebSockets, Software Development, 模型-视图-控制器(MVC), Design Patterns, Xamarin.iOS、领导力、技术领导力、团队领导力、精益项目管理、 .NET Core, 解决复杂问题, Microservices, C++, Linux, .. NET, api, HTML, Unix, c#.. NET,架构,Windows, ASP.NET MVC, REST APIs, Amazon RDS, 应用程序体系结构, API Integration, Azure, Back-end, REST, Git, Express.js, Mobile Apps, ASP.. NET核心,技术架构,解决方案架构,多线程, .NET 4,企业架构


2009 - 2012
  • Architected, oversaw, 并为底层后端预订引擎的全面检修编写了代码(对于某些部分), 一个复杂的系统,用于整合来自不同类别酒店价格提供商的数据.
  • 为新软件组件的自动和手动测试设计并实现测试驱动策略,以确保每个组件的开发质量及其在整个系统中实现的正确性.
  • Mentored individual developers in software micro-design (e.g., design patterns), 新技术(如移动), 以及效率的最佳实践, security, and scalability.
技术:Internet服务器应用程序编程接口(ISAPI), Android, PHP, Microsoft SQL Server, C++, C#, Microsoft Visual Studio, 敏捷软件开发, ASP.NET, Unit Testing, WebSockets, Software Development, Design Patterns, Leadership, Technical Leadership, Team Leadership, 精益项目管理, 解决复杂问题, Linux, .NET, HTML, SQL, C#.NET, Architecture, Windows应用程序开发, Windows, ASP.NET MVC, REST APIs, IIS, Legacy Software, 应用程序体系结构, Windows Services, API Integration, Azure, Back-end, REST, 对象关系映射(ORM), Express.js, 技术架构, 解决方案架构, .NET 4,水晶报告

Senior Developer

2007 - 2009
  • 为摩根士丹利全球财富管理平台的新固定收益产品界面开发后端逻辑.
  • 设计和集成 .NET modules to interface with legacy mainframe systems written in COBOL.
  • Pioneered test-driven development policies in the department, implementing rigorous automated tests for various projects.
Technologies: SOAP, JavaScript, Microsoft Visual Studio, ASP.. NET、单元测试、银行业务 & 金融、WebSockets、软件开发、设计模式、微服务、c++、 .Net, sql, com, c#, c#.NET, Architecture, Windows应用程序开发, Windows, ASP.NET MVC, REST APIs, IIS, Legacy Software, Windows Services, API Integration, Back-end, REST, 对象关系映射(ORM), Fintech, Multithreading, 企业架构, Crystal Reports

这是一个安全的合约系统,是首个此类系统之一,它为美国国债和其他固定收益工具创建了一个链上ETF. It is currently launched on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Ethereum. 链上部分用固体度表示, off-chain processing is mainly TypeScript on AWS, and the front end is created with vanilla React.


齐柏林飞艇:EthGlobal 2023黑客马拉松冠军
我设计和建造的区块链项目连接了去中心化金融和电子商务, 为电子商务卖家提供了一个门户,通过销售定制的nft为他们的项目融资.
Created using Solidity, Hardhat, TypeScript, Tableland, and Next.js.

Wrote and published an article on the most common design anti-patterns.

在扫描区块链已验证的nft时,我经常看到重复出现的常见反模式. I wrote an article listing what I think are the most common ones, 关于它们发生的原因的一些思考, 还有一些更好的选择.

这是我在完成一个定义项目后写的一篇文章,该项目是关于在Solidity中保护一组智能合约的特定设计模式的. 这是一个简单的模式,可以作为个人对solid中模块化设计概念的有用介绍,以及它与传统OOP的不同之处.

Ethernaut Solutions
These are solutions to the well-known Ethernaut problems. 由OpenZeppelin发布的练习作为教学工具,并评估一个人理解EVM和Solidity安全漏洞以及如何防范它们的能力. 这些解决方案包含带有单元测试和解释的完整源代码.

Krew NFT Project
开发和部署安全且经过良好测试的NFT智能合约和web3脚本,以管理以太坊和Polygon等EVM链的合约,并使用Metaplex管理Solana. 在开放海洋和魔法伊甸园都有.

FreshDirect iOS

一个屡获殊荣的iOS杂货订单/配送应用程序,为著名的纽约在线杂货店, FreshDirect. 它是由 .. NET使用Xamarin iOS平台. This app won a Webby in 2015 in the websites and mobile sites category.

Aquamonix iOS
这是一款iOS应用程序,允许Aquamonix的客户远程与他们的工业规模的SCADA灌溉系统进行交互. It was developed from scratch using Xamarin iOS.

IoT Demo for Alexa

It is associated with the Toptal blog article available at

Medium Articles
These are my recent Medium articles, showcasing skills and knowledge in
• statistics

Preparing and Shaping Timeseries Data for Keras LSTM Input

所描述和演示的预处理包括缩放等统计转换, handling outliers, removing the trend, 提取重要特征. 它还包括将数据塑造成适当数量的维度的正确方法.

第二部分:辛斯/ preparing-and-shaping-timeseries-data-for-keras-lstm-input-part-two-ad17f6ab450


Solidity, c#, JavaScript, c++, c#.NET, Python, C, Assembly, SQL, TypeScript, C++11, Rust, HTML, Embedded C++, Go, Java, Perl, PHP, Haskell, GraphQL, Solidity Assembly


.NET, ASP.NET Core, .NET 4, .NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET, Express.js,击倒(击倒).js), React Native, Unity, Next.js


Node.js, Web3.js, Amazon API, REST APIs, Interactive Brokers API, Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, Mixpanel API, TensorFlow, React, Binance API, Keras, TensorFlow深度学习库(TFLearn), Infragistics, LSTM


Microsoft Visual Studio, NPM, Jira, MetaMask, Git, AWS简单通知服务(SNS), Perforce, Mongoose, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), MQTT, SoapUI, Visual Studio, Confluence, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Crystal Reports


RESTful Development, 敏捷软件开发, Scrum, REST, Design Patterns, 应用程序体系结构, 模型视图视图模型(MVVM), 模型-视图-控制器(MVC), Kanban, Unit Testing, Microservices, Windows应用程序开发, 对象关系映射(ORM), Mobile Development, 测试驱动开发(TDD), 面向服务的架构(SOA), 函数式编程, Agile, Penetration Testing, Serverless架构


Blockchain, Ethereum, Magento, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), 区块链平台, Linux, Arduino, Amazon Alexa, Android, iOS, Web, Xamarin, Unix, Windows, Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, AWS IoT, Docker, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Jupyter Notebook, Azure, Mobile, Twilio


JSON, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Amazon DynamoDB, NoSQL, MongoDB


以太坊智能合约, Software Development, 软件架构, 解决复杂问题, Computer Science, Full-stack, Crypto, Architecture, Web 3.0, Back-end, 技术架构, 解决方案架构, Smart Contracts, SOAP, WebSockets, ESP8266, 物联网(IoT), HTTP, eCommerce, Trading, ESP32, Leadership, Technical Leadership, Team Leadership, 精益项目管理, Solana, 不可替代令牌(NFT), Token Design, Ethers.js, 分散式金融(DeFi), APIs, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, Cryptocurrency, Algorithms, Rinkeby, Algorithmic Trading, 算法交易分析, IIS, Legacy Software, Windows Services, API Integration, 自动交易软件, Stock Trading, Stock Analysis, Prediction Markets, Visualization, Data Engineering, Mobile Apps, 分散的系统, ERC-20, Fintech, Multithreading, Web Development, Lambda Functions, 企业架构, User Interface (UI), 领域驱动设计(DDD), RESTful Services, Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI), COM, Embedded Systems, 实时操作系统(RTOS), 定制Blockchains, Mailchimp API, Machine Learning, Defect Management, Arbitrage, Futures, Software, CI/CD Pipelines, OpenSea, Bots, DApps, Integration, Amazon RDS, Training, Web Security, Deep Learning, Hedge Funds, Finance, Statistics, 长短期记忆(LSTM), Neural Networks, 循环神经网络(RNN), Gaming, R&D、演示、Web3、移动、比特币、云

Industry Expertise

Banking & 金融、贸易系统

1993 - 1998




AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate

Amazon Web Services



布法罗大学 & The State University of New York | via Coursera



布法罗大学 & The State University of New York | via Coursera


Smart Contracts

布法罗大学 & The State University of New York | via Coursera


Blockchain Basics

布法罗大学 & The State University of New York | via Coursera




MAY 2001 - MAY 2005

MCSD (Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer)
